Daddy Kamp

8 Year Old’s 8 Step Spam Musubi Recipe

One of the first things I ever felt pretty competent at was preparing food.  My mother cooked all day long and I was often at her side.  Most of my family knew how to cook as well and many worked in food service.  Funny, I’ve owned 3 companies and still my favorite  job was as a fry-cook at Zippy’s in Hawaii.  My boys love to eat, and they love to mess about in the kitchen.  Here’s Logan making food for cultural food day at school.

Step 1:  Wash the Rice

It’s a pretty Asian thing to do.  But it must be done.


Wash Rice

Step 2:  Cook the Rice

My mother had two 10 cup rice cookers working in round at my childhood home.  At our house, we downsized to a 3-cup when we went low(er)-carb.

Fire up the Rice Cooker

Fire up the Rice Cooker

 Step 3:  Cut the Spam

There is a way to cut Spam for musubis.  Make nice rectangles to fit the mold.

Cut the Spam

Cut the Spam

Step 4:  Fry the Spam

Some people like to go crispy, while others choose to flavor with teriyaki (or other) sauce after frying.

Hold the pan for safety

Hold the pan for safety.

Step 5:  Mold the Rice

You can vary the thickness of the musubi to your liking.  If making a batch, consistency is key.


Step 6: Wrap the Musubi

Best to go as tight as you can.  Keep the shiny side of the nori on the outside.  The rough side is where the rice and spam go.


Step 7:  Slice the Musubi (optional)

While the boys can hammer at least one musubi each, they wanted to share the pilot product.

He can handle a hilt weapon.  He's half-Filipino

He can handle a hilt weapon. He’s half-Filipino.

Step 8:  Share with Your Hungry Little Brother

Thomas:  “I’m from the land of Spam!”


Bonus Step:  Scale up!

Now make some for the party!

Now make some for the party!

What are some of your favorite recipes?  Post in comments!


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